The main theme of the conference is “Novel Trends in pharmacology” covering mainly autoimmune diseases and oncology in addition to a wide range of critically important sessions. The conference will invite leader speakers in the mentioned themes, providing you with the most recent advances in their field of specialization.
We would like to invite you to submit abstracts for oral and/or poster presentations by 7th April 2019. Participation fees for the Conference have been set at 400 LE for non-members of the Society and 300 LE for members. We therefore urge you, if you are not yet a member of the Society, to join by filling in an application form online or on site at the Conference. The fees will be reduced to its half value for all the T.As and L.As and will be only 100 LE for the students.
For more information about the event and their Workshops:

On 20th April 2019
The 58th annual conference of the Egyptian Society of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ESPET) will be held this year at the premises of the Modern Science and Art University (MSA) for all the pharmacologists and pharmacy students. The meeting will take place on Saturday April 20, 2019.
Validated by:
Main Office - 6th Oct. Campus
26 July Mehwar Road intersection with Wahat Road, 6th October City. Egypt.
Tel. : 3837-1113
Tel. : 3837-1115
Tel. : 3837-1516
Tel. : 3837-1519
Admission Office:
Graduates Affairs:
Mobile: 01270447292
Hotline : 16672
International Hotline: 002-0216672