A Recap Of "Horizons and Job Opportunities in Civil Engineering" Event

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A Recap Of "Horizons and Job Opportunities in Civil Engineering" Event
The Faculty of Engineering of October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA University) successfully held an event titled "Horizons and Job Opportunities in Civil Engineering Locally and Globally within the Framework of Achieving Sustainable Development Goals and Environmental Preservation”.
Valuable insights into the evolving landscape of civil engineering were provided by esteemed speakers, including Prof. Dr. Mohamed Mohamed Elfaham (Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Engineers Syndicate Clubs - Giza), Eng. Ahmed Hashish (Head of Civil Division - Egyptian Engineers Syndicate), and Eng. Mohamed Kamel (Chairman of the Board of Trustees of "Engineers for a Sustainable Egypt").
The attendees gained valuable knowledge about emerging trends, job opportunities, and the crucial role of sustainability in modern civil engineering practices with valuable connections were fostered between students, faculty, and industry professionals.

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