The University of Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA) has successfully earned a new version of ISO certifications for international standards of quality specifications and the environment, Mr. Ahmed Bedewi, director of SGS training academy, handled the 3 certificates to Dr. Nawal El Degwi, Head of board of trustees.
The certificates of quality, environment and safety and also health are from the news version to make sure that the quality of education in Egypt meets the international standards.
The University of Modern Sciences and Arts is the first private university in Egypt get the new version of ISO certificates, which reflects the university’s efforts to upgrade laboratories, research centers and dental clinics. Said Dr. Nawal El Degwi. “The university insisted to meet the requirements in each faculty in order to get the certification, which was a significant challenge to the university, a challenge we successfully managed to overcome".
ISO Certifications - Version 2015:
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ISO certifications - Version 2015
MSA has successfully earned a new version of ISO certifications
ISO certifications - Version 2015
MSA has successfully earned a new version of ISO certifications
ISO certifications - Version 2015
MSA has successfully earned a new version of ISO certifications
ISO certifications - Version 2015
MSA has successfully earned a new version of ISO certifications